Store Generator Outside: All You Need to Know about Generators, Reviews, Guides, and How to

When it comes to selecting a generator for your home, there are a few important things to consider. One of the most important decisions you will make is whether you will store the generator outdoors or indoors. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide for finding the right generator for you, considering the pros and cons of storing it outside.

Types of Generators

Types Of Generators

Portable Generators

Portable generators are small, lightweight machines that provide temporary power to an area. They are typically gasoline-powered and are used to power tools and appliances during an emergency or when no other power source is available. Portable generators can be easily moved and stored away when not in use, making them a great option for outdoors or camping trips.

Standby Generators

Standby generators are larger and more powerful than portable generators, and are usually installed outside of the home or business. They are permanently connected to the home’s electrical system and use natural gas or propane to provide power. Standby generators are ideal for providing backup power to a home or business during an outage.

Benefits of Storing Generators Outside

Benefits Of Storing Generators Outside

Storing a generator outside can be a great solution if you don’t have the necessary space inside your home. Here are some of the benefits of storing your generator outside:

  • Less Noise: Storing your generator outside allows for greater soundproofing and reduced noise levels. This is especially important if you live in an area with noise restrictions.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Generators stored outside are exposed to the elements, which means they don’t require as much cleaning and maintenance.
  • Improved Safety: Storing your generator outside minimizes the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, as the exhaust fumes can be safely dissipated in the open air.
  • Increased Durability: Generators stored outside are more likely to withstand the elements, such as rain or snow, which can reduce the risk of damage and extend the life of the generator.

In conclusion, there are several benefits to storing your generator outside. If you choose to do so, make sure you take all the necessary safety precautions to protect yourself and your family.

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Considerations for Storing Generators Outside

Considerations For Storing Generators Outside

Weather Conditions

Generators are designed to work in most weather conditions, however, if the generator is exposed to high temperatures or moisture for extended periods of time, it can cause the generator to overheat or malfunction. It is important to store the generator in a shady area, if possible, and cover it with a tarp or other protective covering when not in use.


Whenever storing a generator outdoors, it is important to take security measures to prevent theft. It is best to secure the generator to a solid object, such as a fence or pole, with a heavy-duty chain or cable lock. Additionally, it is important to make sure the generator is not visible from the street.


When storing a generator outside, it is important to make sure it is easily accessible in case of an emergency. If the generator is stored in a locked shed or garage, it is important to have a spare key available in the event of a power outage. Additionally, it is important to make sure the area around the generator is clear of debris or clutter that could block access to the generator.

Preparing Outdoor Storage Area

Preparing Outdoor Storage Area

Storing a generator outside requires a proper storage area to keep it safe and secure. Here are a few steps to help you prepare an outdoor storage area for your generator:

1. Choose a safe, dry location. Pick a spot that’s away from the house, preferably on concrete or gravel. Avoid low-lying areas that can flood easily.

2. Construct a sturdy platform. The platform should be large enough to accommodate the generator and provide a flat, stable surface. Make sure the platform is raised above the ground level to keep the generator dry.

3. Add a protective cover. A waterproof tarp or shed can provide extra protection from the elements. Make sure it’s secure enough to keep out animals and pests.

4. Install a locking device. This should be a padlock or other secure lock that will prevent anyone from tampering with the generator.

5. Connect the generator to a power source. This will allow you to use the generator without having to move it.

By following these steps, you can create a secure storage area for your generator that will protect it from the elements and keep it safe from theft.

1. Choosing a Site

1. Choosing A Site

When choosing a site for your generator, it is important to consider the following:

  • Accessibility – Is the site easy to access, and is there enough space for the generator to be installed?
  • Location – Is the site in a safe location, away from children and pets?
  • Ventilation – Is there good ventilation so the generator exhaust fumes can escape?
  • Drainage – Is there good drainage so that any liquids can be managed properly?
  • Lighting – Is there good lighting so that the generator can be seen and accessed at night?
  • Security – Is the site secure and protected from theft or vandalism?

When selecting a site for your generator, it is important to take into account all of the above factors. You should also consult with local authorities to make sure that you are in compliance with any regulations or safety guidelines that may apply.

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2. Building a Shed or Enclosure

2. Building A Shed Or Enclosure

Storing a generator outside is not only convenient but also a great way to save space. However, it is important to ensure that the generator is kept out of the elements, such as rain, snow, and sun, to protect it from damage. Building a shed or enclosure is the best way to do this.

When building a shed or enclosure for a generator, you should make sure that it is well-ventilated. This will help to prevent the build-up of carbon monoxide, which can be deadly. You should also make sure that the shed or enclosure is easily accessible, in case you need to access the generator in an emergency.

The shed or enclosure should also be made of durable materials. This will help to protect the generator from any potential damage caused by the elements. You should also consider installing a security system to protect the generator from theft.

Finally, it is important to make sure that the shed or enclosure is situated in an area that is not prone to flooding or other natural disasters. This will help to ensure that the generator stays safe and secure at all times.

By following these steps, you will be able to store your generator outside safely and securely.

3. Sealing Generator from Elements

3. Sealing Generator From Elements

When storing a generator outside, it is essential to take steps to seal it from the elements. This will help to protect the generator from the damaging effects of rain, snow, wind and other environmental factors.

The first step to sealing the generator is to place a protective cover over it. This should be made of a heavy-duty material that is waterproof and able to resist the elements. A tarp or canvas cover is ideal and can be secured around the generator with bungee cords or straps.

Once the cover is in place, it is important to ensure that all openings and vents are sealed. This can be done by using weather stripping or other sealants. The sealants should be applied to all areas around doors, vents, and other openings.

Finally, it is important to check and replace the oil and fuel regularly, as these can deteriorate quickly when exposed to the elements. This will help to ensure that the generator is in optimal working condition when needed.

By taking the time to seal the generator from the elements and regularly checking the oil and fuel, you can help to protect your generator and extend its lifespan for years to come.

Generator Maintenance

Generator Maintenance

Storing a generator outside may sound like a great idea, however, it is important to keep in mind that the generator still requires regular maintenance. Without proper maintenance the generator is at risk of malfunctioning or breaking down. By following the necessary steps for generator maintenance, you can ensure that your generator runs safely and efficiently for years to come.

First and foremost, it is important to ensure that the generator is properly lubricated. This can be done by adding lubricant to the generator’s oil and fuel filter. Additionally, check the spark plugs and air filter to ensure they are in good condition. If they are worn or damaged they should be replaced.

Next, check the generator’s wiring and connections. Make sure that the wiring is securely connected and free of any corrosion. Inspect the generator’s cables and hoses for any signs of wear or damage. If any of these components are worn or damaged they should be replaced.

Finally, be sure to start the generator and test it to make sure it is running properly. During the start-up process, make sure to check for any strange noises or odd smells. If any of these are present it could be a sign of a problem and should be addressed immediately.

By taking the time to properly maintain your generator, you can ensure that it will continue to run safely and efficiently for years to come.

Generator Safety

Generator Safety

When storing a generator outside, it is essential to consider the safety of the generator and the environment. Here are some tips to ensure that the generator is safely stored outside:

  • Ensure that the generator is placed in a dry, well-ventilated area away from combustibles and flammable materials.
  • Make sure that the generator is at least 10 feet away from any buildings or structures.
  • Check that the generator is in a level position on a solid, stable surface.
  • Ensure that the generator is securely fastened to the surface to prevent it from tipping over.
  • Check the generator’s fuel tank and fuel lines regularly to make sure they are free of leaks.
  • Make sure the generator is turned off and unplugged when not in use.
  • Keep the generator covered with a tarp or other protective covering when not in use.
  • If the generator will be in storage for an extended period of time, it is recommended to drain the fuel tank and run the generator until it is out of fuel.
  • Be sure to follow all manufacturer instructions for safe operation and storage.

By following these safety tips, you can ensure that the generator is stored safely and securely outside.

Cost of Storing Generators Outside

Storing your generator outside can be a great way to keep it secure and protected from the elements. While it is a relatively straightforward process to store your generator outside, there are still some cost considerations to keep in mind.

The primary cost of storing your generator outside is the cost of a suitable enclosure. If you are storing a large generator, you will need to invest in a larger enclosure that can protect the generator from the elements, as well as provide ample space for ventilation. The cost of a suitable enclosure will depend on the size and type of generator, as well as the material used to construct the enclosure.

In addition to the cost of the enclosure, you will also need to consider the cost of necessary accessories. This could include a generator cover, which will help protect the generator from the elements, or a waterproof cover if the generator will be exposed to rain or snow. You may also need to invest in a surge protector for the generator, as well as any additional electrical components needed to connect the generator to the power grid.

Finally, the cost of regular maintenance and upkeep should also be taken into account. This includes regular servicing and cleaning of the generator, as well as any necessary repairs. Depending on the type of generator and the environment in which it is stored, these costs could add up over time.

Overall, the cost of storing a generator outside can vary depending on the size and type of generator, as well as the cost of any necessary accessories and maintenance. Ultimately, it is important to keep these cost considerations in mind when deciding whether or not to store your generator outside.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best way to store a generator outside?

When storing a generator outside, it is important to take a few precautions to ensure it is safely stored. Here are some tips to help you properly store a generator outside:

  • Choose a well-ventilated area. Avoid storing a generator in a damp, enclosed area, as this can lead to rusting and corrosion.
  • Cover the generator with a tarp. This will help protect it from the elements, such as rain or snow.
  • Make sure the generator is securely tied down. Generators can be heavy and can be moved by strong winds. Tying it down will ensure it stays in place.
  • Store the generator in an upright position. This will help keep the generator in optimal working condition.
  • Check the oil and fuel levels regularly. Make sure they are at the recommended levels to keep the generator running efficiently.

Storing a generator outside can be a great way to keep it close at hand for when you need it. Taking the proper precautions when storing a generator outside will help keep it in good condition for years to come.

2. What is the most secure way to store a portable generator?

When storing a portable generator outside, it is important to ensure that it is kept safe and secure. There are several methods to properly secure a generator, such as the following:

  • Keep the generator in a locked shed or storage unit.
  • Use a security cable to fasten the generator to a fixed object.
  • Wrap a chain around the generator and a fixed object to secure it in place.
  • Place the generator in an outdoor cabinet that is designed to protect it from the elements.
  • Place the generator in a specially designed protective cover.

By taking the necessary steps to securely store a portable generator, you can ensure that it is not stolen or damaged.

3. Are there any safety precautions to take when storing a generator outside?

When storing a generator outside, it is important to take the following safety precautions:

  • Keep the generator at least 10 feet away from any combustible materials, such as gasoline, kerosene, oil, and solvents.
  • Ensure the generator is stored in a dry, well-ventilated area to prevent it from becoming wet or overheating.
  • Secure the generator to prevent it from being stolen or moved.
  • If possible, store the generator in a shed or other enclosure to protect it from weather and debris.
  • Install a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) device to protect against accidental electric shock.
  • Check the generator for any signs of damage or wear, such as loose wires or worn insulation, before use.

By following these safety precautions, you can help ensure that your generator is stored safely and securely outdoors.

4. What are the benefits of having a generator stored outside?

Storing your generator outside can provide many benefits, including:

  • Improved safety – By keeping your generator outside, it can be kept away from combustible materials. This reduces the risk of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Reduced noise – A generator located outside is much less likely to disrupt the peace and quiet of your home.
  • Protection from the elements – By keeping your generator outside, it can be better protected from the elements, such as rain, snow, and sun.
  • More space – Keeping the generator outside can free up space inside your home or garage.

Storing your generator outside can also provide convenience, as it can be quickly accessed without having to move other items. Furthermore, it can also provide a more aesthetically pleasing look to your home, as the generator will not be visible from the inside.

5. Are there any particular generator models that are better suited for outdoor storage?

When looking for a generator to store outside, it is important to consider the type of generator you are purchasing and the features that will be most beneficial for outdoor storage. While any generator can be stored outdoors, some models are better suited for outdoor storage than others.

The following are some features to consider when selecting a generator for outdoor storage:

  • Weatherproofing: Look for a generator that is designed to withstand the elements, such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.
  • Ventilation: Make sure the generator has sufficient airflow so that it does not overheat.
  • Noise: Look for a generator that is designed to be as quiet as possible, as this will help to keep the noise level down in your outdoor space.
  • Durability: Look for a generator that is designed to be durable and reliable, as this will help to ensure it will last for a long time.
  • Portability: Look for a generator that is easy to move, as this will make it easier to store the generator outdoors.

In addition to these features, there are also certain models that are specifically designed for outdoor storage. These include portable generators, inverter generators, and standby generators. Portable generators are great for outdoor storage, as they are lightweight, easy to move, and require minimal maintenance. Inverter generators are also great for outdoor storage, as they are quiet and efficient. Standby generators are ideal for outdoor storage, as they are designed to be reliable and durable.

When selecting a generator for outdoor storage, it is important to consider the features that will be most beneficial for your particular needs. Doing so will help to ensure that your generator is well-suited for outdoor storage and will last for a long time.


Storing your generator outside can be a great way to save money and space, but it’s important to be mindful of the potential risks associated with doing so. Generators should always be placed in a well-ventilated area and away from flammable materials and objects. Make sure to research the type and size of generator you need for your situation, and invest in a quality, weatherproof model that is designed for outdoor use. Additionally, be sure to use the necessary safety measures, such as setting up a GFCI outlet and running the generator on a full tank of fuel in order to avoid any potential hazards. With the right generator and the proper precautions, you can safely and effectively store your generator outside.


  • Harding, J. (2017). Generator Buying Guide. Retrieved from
  • Sneed, D. (2018). How to Choose the Right Generator for Your Home. Retrieved from
  • Dechert, C. (2018). How to Choose the Right Generator for Your Home. Retrieved from
  • Gaskin, J. (2018). How to Choose the Right Generator Size for Your Home. Retrieved from